A Guidebook for Businesses to Excel in a Remote Working Environment

Remote working guide

A Guidebook for Businesses to Excel in a Remote Working Environment

Remote working is one of the most significant changes brought about by the pandemic. Research have shown that more than 70% of workers across Asia want flexible remote work options to continue as part of the ‘new normal’.

As a people-focused organisation, BoardRoom proactively embraced this new preference and took on the challenges in transitioning to a hybrid working arrangement for our employees.

Through our experience, we’ve gained new perspective and tips in ways to navigate the remote working arrangement and even multiply our productivity.

To encourage more companies to join us on our journey and share our experience with our clients and others, we have compiled a comprehensive remote working guidebook which details the important considerations from both employee and management’s opinion.

Some of the areas covered, together with key take-aways and tips, include:

  • Navigating hybrid work
  • Organising time
  • Managing distractions
  • Juggling work and family
  • Supporting mental wellbeing
  • Maintaining physical health

Do take a read and download our Remote Working Guidebook today to capitalise on our experience and lessons learned.

We hope that your journey into hybrid working will be a pleasant and favourable one like ours

Juggling with family and work

Juggling with family and work

Maintaining physical health

Maintaining physical health

Navigating hybrid workforce

Navigating hybrid workforce

Organising time

Organising time

Supporting mental wellbeing

Maintaining physical health

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