Low-Carbon and Sustainable Future: How Governments are helping APAC Businesses Transition

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Low-Carbon and Sustainable Future: How Governments are helping APAC Businesses Transition


With businesses encouraged to shift to a more sustainable model, the adoption rate is still relatively low. To tackle this, the governments in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Australia are actively supporting businesses in their transition to a low-carbon and sustainable future by introducing initiatives in the form of ESG grants and incentives. 

While the specific offerings vary by country, these measures aim to foster a culture of sustainability among businesses and contribute to long-term environmental and social progress. Businesses operating in these regions are encouraged to leverage available resources and support to enhance their sustainability efforts and ESG reporting capabilities.

Our report this month details the essential grants and incentives that APAC businesses can leverage to enhance cost savings as they initiate their ESG journey.


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Sustainable Finance & ESG Reporting: Transformative Steps Taken in APAC

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Sustainable Finance & ESG Reporting: Transformative Steps Taken in APAC


In recent years, countries across the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region have made significant strides towards integrating sustainability into their corporate landscape through mandatory reporting initiatives. Recognising the urgent need to address Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concerns, governments in the APAC region have implemented regulations requiring businesses to disclose their sustainability practices and performance. 

These transformative steps aim to enhance transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices, ultimately fostering a more sustainable future for the region and beyond.

What are some of the key transformative steps in sustainability reporting introduced in APAC? We share more on what Singapore, Malaysia, and Australia have implemented in our report.


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Beyond Compliance: How ESG Factors Impact Corporate Sustainability

Beyond Compliance: How ESG Factors Impact Corporate Sustainability


2024, the year where future-ready companies will position sustainability at the core of their business strategies. ESG, once a complex and unfamiliar scape is now increasingly the focus of companies worldwide. The days where a company's performance is assessed by its financial bottom line is long gone. In today's world, investors and stakeholders place equal importance to how a company navigates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, alongside traditional financial metrics.

But what factors affect your company's corporate sustainability initiatives and in turn, impacts profitability? We share more in our latest report.


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