Archives: Media Information
Media Information news and reviews
JP Morgan Australian Registry Service Provider Survey – 2015
ICAEW Authorised Training Employer

ICAEW Authorised Training Employer
We are pleased to announce that Boardroom Limited is authorised as an ICAEW Authorised Training Employer with effect from 9 May 2014.
ICAEW Chartered Accountants (with professional designation ACA) are recognised around the world as leaders in accountancy, finance and business. The ACA qualification, one of the most advanced learning and professional development programmes available , integrates technical knowledge, professional skills and practical experience to allow talented individuals to perform at the highest level. Boardroom, being a Professional Services Company with presence in the region (ie. Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Australia), is desirous in attracting and retaining talented individuals by partnering ICAEW in their ACA training program.
CPF Contribution Rates from 1 January 2015

CPF Contribution Rates from 1 January 2015
From 1 January 2015, the CPF contribution rates for all employees will be increased to help them save more for retirement and healthcare needs.
The increase in the CPF contribution rates does not apply to the graduated employer and employee rates for first or second year Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) and their employers.
Find out more information below.