Public listed line 4

Public listed line 4

Realisation stage

  • Submit and lodge prospectus with the authorities and regulators
  • Answer queries and concerns of the authorities and regulators
  • Conduct the IPO road shows
  • Launch the IPO

Public listed line 3

Public listed line 3

Execution stage

  • Draft the prospectus
  • Complete the corporate reorganisation
  • Prepare financial information
  • Recruit non-executive board members and audit committee members
  • Firm up on pricing and valuations

Public listed line 2

Public listed line 2

Preparation phase

  • Assemble the appropriate management and finance team
  • Construct financial and operational infrastructure
  • Establish corporate governance structure
  • Prepare an investor relations and public relations strategies
  • Appoint professionals and advisers
  • Correct the financial statements and address the accounting and tax issues
  • Plan the IPO timetable

Public listed line 1