寶德隆有限公司收購澳大利亞的 Newreg Pty Limited(Newreg)的 33.33% 權益,該公司為證券登記、 投票及通訊管理業務。 所有在新加坡、香港及馬來西亞的聯營公司使用「寶德隆」之品牌營運。
寶德隆有限公司收購澳大利亞的 Newreg Pty Limited(Newreg)的 33.33% 權益,該公司為證券登記、 投票及通訊管理業務。 所有在新加坡、香港及馬來西亞的聯營公司使用「寶德隆」之品牌營運。
Your health & well-being, as well as that of our colleagues is of utmost importance to us. To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 we have implemented various health and safety measures throughout our offices, which has changed our way of working. Please click here to view full details.