Hong Kong Budget 2024-25 : Decoding the Tax Announcements

Date(s) - 14 Mar 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Categories No Categories
Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, unveiled the Budget 2024-25 on February 28. With the aim of addressing the city’s fiscal deficit and restoring financial balance, the budget introduced several announcements aimed at bolstering its competitive edge and stimulating economic growth.
At this webinar, our team of tax experts delved into the implications of the announced tax adjustments affecting businesses and provided the latest updates from regulatory authorities.
If you require any assistance on the announced tax changes, please reach out to our team at [email protected] or read our exclusive Hong Kong Budget 2024-25 Commentary here.

Candice Ng, Associate Director, Regional Tax Services, BoardRoom Hong Kong
Candice is a Certified Public Accountant specialising in tax compliance and advisory for both personal and corporate clients. With over 15 years of expertise, she has successfully handled various aspects of tax management, including tax credit benefit applications, cross-border tax planning, advance tax ruling applications, Certificate of Resident Status applications, due diligence reviews for mergers and acquisitions, and resolution of tax investigation cases with the Inland Revenue Department.
Throughout her career, Candice has served a wide range of clients, including diversified local and multinational companies spanning industries such as construction, finance, information technology, logistics, shipping, catering, manufacturing, apparel, and trading. Her deep understanding of the complexities of taxation combined with her industry knowledge allows her to deliver tailored and effective tax solutions for her clients’ specific needs.

Tony Mak, Tax Manager, Regional Tax Services, BoardRoom Hong Kong
A member of Certified Public Accountants Australia, Tony is an experienced tax professional based in Hong Kong. With extensive experience in handling tax compliance and advisory services, he has helped clients optimise their tax strategies while remaining fully compliant with local regulations.
He has worked with a diverse range of clients across different industries, including retail and trading industry, food and catering industry, financial service industry, investment holding industry, public listed and private limited companies, as well as high-net-worth individuals.