Comply with The Rules of Success

Focus more time and resources on growing your businesses knowing that the core of our business is keeping yours compliant.

Efficient Team, Applied Experience, Proven Accuracy

Our efficient team of experts that are located across five regions will keep your business in complete compliance with the local statutory obligations. With over 50 years of experience, we understand the regional compliance landscape like the back of our hand.Our process that has weathered decades of trials and test ensures that accuracy is a staple in our delivery

Compliance Services You'll Need

  • Corporate Secretarial
  • Accounting & Tax
    • Corporate Secretarial

      • Registration of public and private companies
      • Registration of foreign companies
      • Registration of representative offices
      • Regulatory compliance reporting
      • Restructuring and cessation of companies
      • Employment pass/ permit/visa applications, appeals, renewals, and cancellations
      • Provision of local directors, secretaries, and authorised representatives
      • Registered office addresses
      • Management of board and shareholder meetings
    • Accounting & Tax

      • Corporate, personal, and Good and Services Tax (GST) expertise
      • Tax compliance and reporting
      • Tax advisory and structuring
      • Tax incentive applications
      • Tax controversy and risk management
      • Statutory deadline management
      • Tax ruling applications
      • Chart of Accounts set-up
      • Bookkeeping and head office reporting
      • Cash management and disbursement
      • Preparation of year-end financial statements
      • Financial year-end support, including audit liaison
      • Consolidation of group accounts with multiple subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates
      • XBRL conversion of financial statements for Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) filings

About BoardRoom

BoardRoom assists businesses with the filing of Annual Returns, updating of changes that are required by ACRA, and provide advisement on any amendments made to the Singapore Companies Act.

Contact your local COMPLIANCE expert today at BoardRoom!

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Cai Lizi

Director of Business Development